Media Center

Meet Our Media Center Faculty!

Meet Mrs. Mack (left) and Mrs. Bowman (right), your Media Center faculty members! Mrs. Mack is our Media Center Specialist, and Mrs. Bowman is our Media Center Assistant. Mrs. Mack is an alumni of Wesleyan (‘07) and Mrs. Mack and Mrs. Bowman both have children in the Academy and Early Education Center.


Welcome to the WCA Media Center! The Media Center is truly the heart of the school. It is a known fact that students work better and are more effective when they are working not just for a grade, but because they are excited and interested. So, why not make learning exciting and interesting?  What better way to do this than by creating a warm, inviting environment, and teaching literacy skills with multi-sensory activities and interactive games and activities on the Smartboard!

Fostering a love for reading in your child is important to us at Wesleyan. Reading is critical to every child’s ability to learn and the research is clear that reading with your child not only creates a bond between you and your child, but it also often fosters a love for reading. That’s why our teachers encourage our students to read 20 minutes each night with their parents from the books they have selected from the Media Center. 

We have a great time in the Media Center and enjoy serving all students! It is a blessing to teach these students and be able to pray alongside them. Our desire is to help them continue growing so they can fulfill God’s total purpose for their lives!

Elementary Reading Programs!

Monthly Reading Challenge

Storybook Character Parade

We are excited to have a simple reading challenge each month in the Media Center for grades K1-4th. At the beginning of each month, students will get a reading challenge in their take home folders from their teacher. Students who complete the challenge will need to turn it in by the last day of the month for a small prize given by the Media Center!

Photo Coming Soon!

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World Read Aloud Day
World Read Aloud Day is celebrated in early February. Each year we have a challenge during that week that celebrates reading! This past World Read Aloud Day, students were encouraged to reach out to friends and family in countries and locations around the globe to record a read aloud to share. We had readers from every continent – including Antarctica! Classes enjoyed watching these videos and hearing both old and new favorite titles. The next World Read Aloud day is February 2nd, 2022. We can’t wait to reveal the challenge this year!

Elementary students choose a book character to dress up as during the last week of October! They then get to parade through the hall to show off their costumes – accompanied by the book, of course!! Both students and staff enjoy this creative and memorable event!

Read Across America Week

Read Across America Week
According to the National Education Association’s website, Read Across America is the nation’s largest celebration of reading! We strive to promote reading throughout the entire school year, however, the first week of March is indeed our largest celebration. The week is filled with themed dress-up days, guest readers, door decoration contests, and lots of fun while reading! We look forward to celebrating the first week of March in 2022!

Media Center Hours

The Media Center is open from 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. Students are welcome to come in and peruse books, as are their parents!


Please feel free to email Mrs. Mack, Media Center Specialist, at, or Mrs. Bowman, Media Assistant, at,  if you have any questions or if you’d like help selecting books for your child! 

We Teach Both Traditional & Current Research Skills
Through these exciting activities, students are still learning the time-tested Dewey Decimal System, traditional research, and literary genres. To bring students into the 21st century, we use tools such as the Google Platform to teach the Super 3 and Big 6 Research Processes to develop independent, self-driven work habits. 

Fun Facts
Did you know there are more than 15,000 books in Wesleyan’s media center? Or that parents can check out books too?? Here are a few of our most popular books in the library right now:  I Survived Series, The Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novels, and National Geographic:  Weird But True! 

Current Projects
Mrs. Mack and Mrs. Bowman are working hard to Genrify both the Junior Fiction and Non-fiction sections of the Media Center. “Genrification” is a modern trend in both school, collegiate, and public libraries across the country. Books in these sections will be arranged by genres, topics, and themes. This will increase accessibility and circulation, as well as make it easier to find the books students love! We look forward to the completion of this process and revealing this new and improved Media Center process and layout! Stay tuned for pictures and updates!

Online Research Tools

Below are three complimentary online research tools provided by Wesleyan for your children to use! Please let us know if you have any questions at all! 

More About Destiny
On-Line Catalog

Destiny is our online catalog system which allows you to search for resources and books from just about anywhere! Follow these simple instructions to use Destiny:

  • Click on the Destiny link
  • Click on Wesleyan Education Center
  • In the search box, type in any keyword, subject, author, or series that you would like to search and click on the corresponding box.  For example, if you are searching for books on “dogs,” type in dogs and click on the “keyword” or “subject” box.  If you are searching for the author Dr. Seuss, type his name and then click on the “author” box. 
  • You should see a list of books that you searched for.  From this screen, you can click on the title of the book or the “details” box beside the title to read a brief summary.  You will also see the reading/interest level of the book, where to find it on the shelves, and to the right of the title you will see if the book is checked in or out.